Medical French

Practical information

Schedule and subscribe

Course hours


Prices   Evening
Commercial student
Student UGent
Scholarship student UGent
Incoming exchange student UGent
Outgoing exchange student UGent
Outgoing exchange scholarship student UGent   €40
Staff member UGent
Hours per week

10x2 + 1x2

Books by

Standaard Boekhandel Shopping Zuid, Woodrow Wilsonplein 4, 9000 Gent

Objectives and content

This course is aimed at doctors (in training) who want to improve their French language proficiency, as needed on the job. The course mainly focuses on expanding your vocabulary range and on improving your ability to communicate with colleagues and patients in French.

You build a broad range of specific medical vocabulary (anatomy, diseases, treatments, etc.) by means of extensive vocabulary lists and exercises. From time to time, listening exercises will also be included. The conversational situations used during these sessions concern the professional communication between healthcare providers/patients and among the healthcare providers themselves, which try to approach reality as much as possible. You will also learn specific grammatical items which are important in these settings and relationships (question/answer; instructions; wish and subjunctive; a necessity or a feeling; comparisons; time indicators, etc.).

The classes and course material use a contrastive (French/Dutch) approach. As such, the module assumes that students possess a (near-)native command of Dutch.

Required prior knowledge

You have good practical and grammatical knowledge of French (level B2 = secondary school level). Would you like to test your level? You can complete the online self-test for French to check whether your level matches the level of the course Practical French 3. If that is the case, you can register for this course.

If you register for this course, you need sufficient prior knowledge related to the causes, symptoms and treatments of (relatively) common conditions. For this reason, this course is recommended to medicine students who have completed the first two bachelor years.


There is a final test.

Course materials

This course is extra-curricular, which means no credits can be given.

For this course, you need to buy this course book: Weylandt, E., Noë, N. (2019): Au secours! Mon patient parle français, Gent : Academia Press.

When you buy this course book at Standaard Boekhandel Shopping Zuid, Woodrow Wilsonplein 4, 9000 Gent (in the campus shop next to the shop), you will receive a discount of 10% on the official price. Make sure to mention that you take a language course at the UCT.

Are you already registered for this course? Check out our FAQ ‘What to do after my registration?’.

Schedule and subscribe

10/02/2025 - 05/05/2025 Full

Time 17:30 - 19:30
Days Mon
Location Veyrac 5

Waiting list

12/02/2025 - 30/04/2025

Time 20:00 - 22:00
Days Wed
Location Online
