Practical French 5

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Objectives and content

After this course, you will clearly have gained self-confidence. Your spoken and written messages will be understandable without any problem for French speakers. You can adjust your language to a formal or informal context and you have sufficient knowledge of the French culture and habits to align your communication with this. Sometimes you will still use the wrong words or make grammatical mistakes but generally speaking, your sentences are well formulated and you can say and write complex sentences. You can listen and read fluently and you can give your opinion on what you hear or read in an elaborate way. You can interact fluently and structure your arguments and formulate sentences very precisely. Your intonation and pronunciation sound near-native.

  • Listening skills: You will familiarise yourself with authentic materials to get used to the rythm of French speakers.
  • Speaking skills: Various speaking exercises will be done (face à face, travail en groupes, discussion de classe). The main aim is always to practise new structures in specific situations. There is also an individual assignment, during which each participant presents a theme of their choice (work or training-related, current affairs, etc.).
  • Reading skills: Only authentic texts will be used. This way, you can familiarise yourself with the type of texts that you are likely to encounter in your work or training setting.
  • Writing skills: The new structures will be practised through exercises, mainly as part of homework. For example: writing an article, summarizing and paraphrasing a text, (in)formal correspondence, giving advice and defending a viewpoint, using le subjonctif.
  • Specific grammar items: l'emploi des temps et des modes, l'accord du participe passé des verbes pronominaux, le passif, le discours indirect, l'emploi du subjonctif, les connecteurs, le pronom relatif.
  • A broad range of vocabulary will be dealth with in large topics (politics, economics, law, housing, etc.)

Required prior knowledge

You already feel quite at ease in French: When French speakers are talking, you understand them well, even when they speak fast. When you speak, you feel rather at ease, although you would like to express yourself more precisely. Reading general texts in French is not a problem. Writing French texts goes well but you know that you sometimes still make small mistakes (e.g. related to le subjonctif, passive constructions, the correct article, the correct preposition, etc.). 


There is a placement test and a final test.
Before registering, you take the online orientation test. This test refers you to the course that matches your level best. To have a full and accurate idea of your level, you will take an oral orientation test during the first session as well. Based on the outcome of this orientation test, you may be referred to another course because it is more suitable for you.

Course materials

UCT course book. You will receive this book from your language teacher in class. Recommended books: Bescherelle (2019): La conjugaison pour tous, Paris: Hatier Van Dale Pocketwoordenboek Frans-Nederlands – Utrecht: Van Dale Van Dale Pocketwoordenboek Nederlands-Frans – Utrecht: Van Dale

If you buy one of these books at Standaard Boekhandel Shopping Zuid, Woodrow Wilsonplein 4, 9000 Gent (in the campus shop next to the shop), you will receive a discount of 10% on the official price. Make sure to mention that you take a language course at the UCT.

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