Practical Italian 2

Practical information

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Course hours


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Commercial student
Student UGent
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Incoming exchange student UGent
Outgoing exchange student UGent
Outgoing exchange scholarship student UGent
Staff member UGent
Hours per week

1x2 of 1x2,5

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Objectives and content

  • Listening skills: At the end of the course, you can understand sentences that are directly related you (family, work, etc.)
  • Speaking skills: At the end of the course, you can talk about simple and everyday topics, using simple sentences.
  • Reading skills: at the end of the course, you will be able to read short and simple texts. You can find information in simple, everyday texts such as advertisements, menus and timetables.
  • Writing skills: The newly acquired structures will be practised by writing short, simple texts (e.g. What did you do this weekend? or writing an email to thank something).
  • Specific grammatical items: l'imperativo, il condizionale, il futuro, l'avverbio and i pronomi dimostrativi.
  • Specific vocabulary topics: family, taking the train, clothes, at a restaurant, at the doctor's office, the house.

Required prior knowledge

You already followed an Italian course but your knowledge is limited to the basic elements.

  • Speaking Italian is difficult: you can make a few short sentences and your vocabulary is limited to very general subjects.
  • You understand Italians only when they speak very slowly and clearly.
  • When you read general Italian texts, many words and structures are unknown to you.
  • When you write Italian, you use only short and simple sentences.
  • You already master the present tense of the regular and irregular verbs and the past tense (passato prossimo).


Before registering, you take the online orientation test. This test refers you to the course that matches your level best. To have a full and accurate idea of your level, you will take an orientation test during the first session as well. Based on the outcome of this orientation test, you may be referred to another course because it is more suitable for you. You can only take this course if places are available.
There is a placement test and a final test.

Course materials

UCT course book. You will receive this book from your language teacher in class.

Recommended books:

  • Brinker H. (2011) : Prisma Grammatica Italiaans, Utrecht : Het Spectrum
  • Cappelletti L. (1997) : Bescherelle: Les verbes Italiens, Paris : Hatier
  • Prisma mini Italiaans, Utrecht: Het Spectrum
  • Prisma Woordenboek Italiaans - Nederlands, Utrecht: Het Spectrum
  • Prisma Woordenboek Nederlands - Italiaans, Utrecht: Het Spectrum

* *

Are you already registered for this course? Check out our FAQ ‘What to do after my registration?’.

Schedule and subscribe

10/02/2025 - 19/05/2025 Full

Time 19:00 - 21:30
Days Mon
Location Roz 2.4