French for Pharmacists

Practical information

Schedule and subscribe

Course hours


Prices   Evening
Commercial student
Student UGent
Scholarship student UGent
Incoming exchange student UGent
Outgoing exchange student UGent
Outgoing exchange scholarship student UGent   €50
Staff member UGent
Hours per week


Books by


Objectives and content

This course is aimed at pharmacists (in training), pharmacist assistants and all those who are active in the pharmaceutical sector. You take this course because you would like to deepen your specialised knowledge of French often needed on the job. In this course, you will also sharpen your communication skills in French.

You will learn how to ask questions, explain the treatment in simple terms, give instructions, refer to a physician, etc. You also learn how to make phone calls in French, acquiring the necessary telephone jargon (putting someone through, taking a message, writing down numbers, etc.). The difference between formal and informal language will also be dealt with. Furthermore, you will build a broad and specifically pharmaceutical vocabulary (medication, anatomy, clinical pictures, verbs, etc.) by means of extensive vocabulary lists and exercises as well as interactive speaking exercises which try to reflect the professional context as accurately as possible.

The classes and course material use a contrastive (French/Dutch) approach. As such, the module assumes that students possess a (near-)native command of Dutch.

Required prior knowledge

Basic knowledge of French, level A2+ (which is a little bit lower than secondary school level of French).


There is a final test.

Course materials

UCT course book. You will receive this book from your language teacher in class.

Are you already registered for this course? Check out our FAQ ‘What to do after my registration?’.

Schedule and subscribe

11/02/2025 - 25/03/2025

Time 18:00 - 20:00
Days Tue
Location Veyrac 7
