Medical German

Practical information

Schedule and subscribe

Course hours


Prices   Summer
Commercial student
Student UGent
Scholarship student UGent
Incoming exchange student UGent
Outgoing exchange student UGent
Outgoing exchange scholarship student UGent   €50
Staff member UGent


Hours per week


Books by


Objectives and content

This course is aimed at students of Medicine and Health sciences who will continue their studies in a German speaking country, and all those who are active in the (para)medical sector and who need German on a regular basis. In this course, you will sharpen your communicative skills in German (with regards to colleagues and patients). For example, you will learn how to ask questions, explain the diagnosis and treatment in simple terms, etc. The conversational situations used during these sessions concern the professional communication between healthcare provider/patient and among the healthcare providers themselves. The exercises focus on communicative skills and are based on real-life situations. Next to acquiring specific vocabulary, which will largely be provided as self-study materials on the days between classes, the students will learn what to say in the most frequent communicative situations in the hospital and during consultations.

Required prior knowledge

You have a good practical knowledge of German (level A2-B1 of the European Framework). This course is a follow-up on the course Practical German 3 (PD3). If you would like to gain insight in your prior knowledge of German, you could consult the website

Course materials

UCT course book. You will receive this book from your language teacher in class.

Are you already registered for this course? Check out our FAQ ‘What to do after my registration?’.

Schedule and subscribe

02/09/2024 - 06/09/2024

Time 10:00 - 12:00
Days Mon->Fri
Location Veyrac 8
